Sunday, September 25, 2011


I can't help but point out this color totally matches my header to a T! How cool is that?
Way to go J. are awesome, but you already knew that.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I have decided that I miss dining rooms...or breakfast areas. Not so much the table and chairs (I mean I miss those too), but what comes with them. A home cooked meal and some good old family time. I know this is silly, but I have been fighting a cold this week, and I don't know about you, but the best thing for a cold is your mom. And some soup. I haven't had chicken noodle soup or bean soup in awhile.  I miss the chair and table thing too though. All I have here is a couch and bar stools. We have a dining (breakfast) table, but that has been converted into a desk for the time being. It is a little hard to get to though because you have to climb behind the air hockey table (that one of my roommates has now made crafting and drop off central?) and then a really fat leather chair. Welcome to college. 

Aren't these dining rooms just to die for? I don't remember where I found the top left one, but all of them except for the bottom right one are from Lonny. The one at the bottom right is by Kelly Wearstler and you can check out her thoughts right here

This one is from the late Domino mag. Easily one of my favorites. I have loved it for years. The rich colors and materials totally play up the glam vibe and I am absolutely digging it. What do you look for in a dining room?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Please tell me I am not the only one. I think it is the rolling hills that really do it for me. Are those more like mountains than rolling hills? Not sure...there are no rolling hills/mountains where I come from. 

Friday, September 2, 2011


These are some interiors of fashion's Jarleth Mellet's beach house. All of the wallpapers are photographs of Mellet. How cool is that? I wish I knew somewhere I could scale up a photograph and attach it to someones wall. Greatest personal touch ever. 

So. I am getting total body goosebumps looking at this house. I want. I am putting it on my Christmas wishlist. Wouldn't it be nice if it was that easy?

For some reason this is giving me an Adirondack vibe. Not sure why. May be the antler seat, but who knows. All I know is I would die if someone (Mellet) stopped at my door and was like "hey, want a beach house?" AHHHH! YES. <----- that's me. (some jumping action may be included)

These are screen shots from Lonny Magazine. Their next issue is live on September 10. Be there because I sure will be.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


So this post is for my bestie Emily. She hates them...ALOT. Now, I have never been especially worried about the zombies so much as the spiders that supposedly are no more  than a 6 foot radius of you at all times. Bugs...not just spiders, but honestly who cares!
They are coming for you emily....soooo RUN!!

I got this picture off of Design Love Fest and I think you can buy this off of etsy.