Sunday, July 15, 2012


Consider me awol. I just googled myself and my old blog was on it something like 10 times. That reminded me that I have a blog that I left in the high and dry (is that even the right saying...i have no idea). I often think I have the right saying - kind of like with song lyrics - and then it turns out that I am just straight up wrong. 
But ya, this is the jacket from the last post I did some 10 years ago. 
I still want it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I WISH that was my jacket.
I mean just look at it...the studs, the color, the buttons, the cuffs! I might be drooling some.
If you stare at it long enough (and there is no shame if you do), you might notice her shirt. It's a tux tee!

I found this on piperlime, and I think they hate me. I can't find it. Would they really do that to us?? False advertising. we should sue.

P.S. if you ever found yourself in a sketchy situation (aka you are being attacked), this jacket doubles as a weapon. Just shove against the wall with shoulder. you, 1...creeper, 0.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


so I died for awhile apparently. my life has been a huge case of crazy for the past few months, and I do not say this lightly, actually that is kind of the understatement of the century to be completely honest. so much has happened...including but not limited to: too many french quizzes (one a day), a light fixture design, 2 studio projects, tests all over the place, online shopping, long drives, RGIII winning the Heisman (SIC 'EM BEARS!!), a lack of sleep, studying, finals, and plenty of stress to go around. Email me if you were wanting to purchase some. Today is my last official day of studying, and tomorrow at 9:00am I will take my French final and then pack up and peace out of this joint. 

So one really priceless thing that just happened, I was pulling into my apartment complex and you would have thought we were going to have a white christmas here in waco...nope. Someone filled this chick's car completely full of shredded paper...IT IS EVERYWHERE. There is a trail connecting her car to the dumpster. hilarious!! Glad it wasn't me though. 

Good luck on finals and finishing up the last minute "need to happen" things you got to do. I will be back for more fun and postings after I survive tomorrow.

study break over.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Yin and yang reveals a very mathematical system (granted it is a simple mathematical system because otherwise I wouldn't be able to enlighten you). Anyone who is familiar with computer code knows that all programs are written with binary code using using only 0 and 1. So no matter how complicated the program may get, it can still be broken down into groups of 1's and 0's. This is a very good example of how all complicated things than be turned into simplicity. And speaking on universe terms, the earth is made up of matter and energy. Two simple things which make up the whole universe. Crazy, huh?
All things have two opposite sides and neither can survive without the other. Just as music has both consonance and dissonance and the treble beats must be balanced out by the bass ones, but there is no point in which no new music can be created. Yin and yang are the two sides of a coin and they rely on each other to be true and keep each other balanced (even though, technically, the heads side is heavier). 

So this is when Feng Shui enters the is a means to balance out the yin and yang energies in the environment. 
Feng Shui is a solution based on the fundamental properties of elements that release negativity from your house and life.
There are lots of steps and tips that go along with feng shui such as psychological effects of color and the direction your bed faces...lots of silly things that are just as equally legit. 

P.S. If I ever design my friend Emily's apartment/house (she is half asian) then I am totally feng shui-ing her place. 

P.S.S. Is that table not awesome?? 

Friday, October 21, 2011


I am officially back from falling off the facing of the earth. It has literally been too long since I have blogged.

Guess what? ...lots of things. This week was crazy busy. I had three tests, one quiz, two projects, one meeting, one checkpoint, lots of cherry limeades, a new concoction at Starbucks (you should try it: tall peppermint white mocha w/ 2 pumps white mocha, one pump peppermint), not very many veggies, a few extra pounds (oops), a couple good grades, and potentially a really bad one, an orange warning sticker on my driver side window of my car (yay for another blind spot), a new iPhone 4 and Kate Spade case, and I really REALLY need to work out.
Oh yeah, and it kind of feels like it wants to be fall. Diggin' that!!

What are some of the best things about fall you ask?
- crunchy leaves
- pumpkin spice latte's
- layering
- boots (I need to start saving up)
- cozy socks
- ANDDDD....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

LAMP PIMPING <---does that sound weird?

I have been keeping a folder on my computer called design files and it is basically where I keep all the cool website finds that aren't your cookie cutter go to places for furniture and things. This is a lamp that I am loving pretty hard right now. I mean, can't you just see it chillin in your home? 

So mod pieces redoes some pretty legit vintage lamps. They pimp lamps out. I am also loving this multi-colored one too. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Check out this studio!! I feel like I would be in my office making progress if it was radder! Mine is just this white table shoved in the corner of my bedroom with all my printer and computer cords and this junky black chair. But hey, it's practical for college. No, but this one, where you can see more pictures here, is the 

So aside from the rug and wire based chairs, the black vinyl is totally legit and paired with the white lacquer...what?! Love.